Showing 49–54 of 54 results
For Couples, Games, Novelties
The Dice Made Me Do It Dice Game Party Edition Little Genie
No need to worry about party fouls with this game – you can just blame it on the dice! The Dice Made Me Do It Dice Game Party Edition is perfect for playful friends; it’s flirty but not dirty.
Instructions are included, but basically, you’ll roll numbered dice to see who gets to roll the three body part, action and player dice. Just follow along for a great time.
SKU: n/a -
Featured Home Page, For Couples, Games, Novelties
The Oral Sex Adventures Card Game
Maybe you and a playmate need a little inspiration when it comes to going down, or maybe you’re plenty inspired but on the prowl for some new techniques. In either case, The Oral Sex Card deck from always-sexy Kheper Games is here for you.
Calling itself ‘an experience of oral adventures’, these cards offer up to 50 possibilities, 25 for her and another 25 for him. Three actual games can be played with the card instructions included), or you can simply pick one at random and see where the night (or afternoon) goes from there.
SKU: n/a -
Games, Novelties
The Ultimate Game For Couples
Get to know each other better as you dive into meaningful conversations and perform funny challenges – perfect for date night ,Connect one-on-one with your partner or play together with other couples in two different gameplays.The simple gameplay and easy rules allow you to quickly engage with each other.
SKU: n/a -
Games, Novelties
Combining drinks, toys, secrets and intimate surprises into a sexy little game for couples. The game follows along the lines of the classic tell-all drinking game. Instead of embarrassing secrets however, this version was specifically created to inspire and engage lovers.
Included in the set are 120 cards split into four categories, 40 Location, Location, Location, 40 Erotic Edibles and Other Indulgences, 40 Fun and Games and Toys, Toys Toys, and 40 Fantasy and Role Play cards plus a spinner. Twirl the spinner to see which category you’ll be choosing from, and draw a card. On it, a sexy activity is spelled out, you’ll toast with a favorite beverage if you’ve done the deed, or save the card in one of two But We Will envelopes if not (but would like to). Game rules included.
SKU: n/a -
Bestsellers, Featured, For Couples, Games, Top Rated
Win My Pussy Dice Game
Love playing with that Sweet Kitty Cat? Come On Down! YOU’RE the next contestant on the “Win My Pussy” Dice Game!!! In this his-and-hers game of chance, 5 dice are rolled for the ultimate prize: Winner, Winner, Pussy Dinner!
Simple to play, the black dice represent him and the red dice represent her and each set has an action die and a body part die. Each set has an action die and a body part die. The winner gets to decide the outcome but no matter how you roll, the PUSSY ALWAYS WINS.
SKU: n/a -
Featured, For Couples, Games
You & Me A Game Of Love and Intimacy Couples Game
A romantic two-player bedroom game from Creative Conceptions, You & Me, the game of love and intimacy, challenges couples with arousing ideas, suggestions and activities to keep sex lives active and exciting.
With a deck of cards for each gender, players take turns rolling the die to determine who will act out the activity on the forfeit card and accumulate points as indicated by hearts at the bottom of every card. The player only has until the sand timer runs out to perform their activity. The player who performs the act racks in the points and the game ends when the first player reaches 30 points. Special cards and jokers keep the game unpredictable, offering the option to refuse a forfeit card and to earn extra points for a completed activity.
If two males or two females are playing, simply play with the appropriate deck and omit the other. Before playing, you’ll want to gather some of your favourite pleasure tools to assist with You & Me’s intimate activity cards. It’s recommended to have a scarf or tie, massage oil and a lubricant on hand .
- 45 Forfeit cards for each player
- 4 ‘Special’ cards for each player
- 1 Joker for each player
- 1 Die
- 1 Sand timer
SKU: n/a